the Montessori Elementary Class - Windsor
Education for the whole child for their whole life
Fees for the Elementary Class
2024/2025 Academic Year
1 or more afternoons per week. £27.50 per session
2 full days per week. £55 per day
3 - 4 full days per week. £52.50 per day
Additional Information
Sibling discount is 10%
All children need to bring a packed lunch.
Payment of Fees
​Fees are paid before or on the first day of the term. They can be paid in full, in two instalments or monthly.
Fees cannot be refunded if the child is absent from school but your child is welcome to attend on an agreed alternative day/session to make up for the absence.
No refunds can be made for missed language lessons when we run them
Notice Periods
For afternoon only students: two weeks' notice is required​
For full day attendees: a month's notice is required