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Cosmic Education

Children of elmentary age, between age 6 and 12, are at the most receptive period in intellectual learning, acquisition of morality, and culture. They possess a powerful imagination that helps them to abstract different ideas. The children of this plane are more independent from their families and are reaching out to wider society. They develop a new level of social life with their peers. They are forming their conscience. They want to know what is right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust. And they also want to know why.
























































The 'Cosmic Education' curriculum for the Elementary level was formulated during the seven years Dr.Montessori spent in India. It equips children of the second plane with tools to organise all knowledge available in the universe through the Five Great Lessons.


The Lessons connect children to the past and future, helping them to appreciate the interconnectedness and interdependency of all things in the universe.


​The five Great Lessons introduce children to:

1. The formation of the universe, the solar system, and the earth.
2. The evolution of life on earth.
3. The coming of human beings to the earth.
4. Communication through signs, in particular the alphabet
5. Development of numbers.


The 6th lesson introduces the children to human physiology and was created by Maria Montessori's son, Mario 



Word Study
The Parts of Speech
Detailed study of the verb
Sentence Analysis
Clause Analysis
Spoken Language
Written Language
Study of Style


The Story of Numbers
Decimal System
Long multiplication and division
Laws of Multiplication
Multiples and Factors
Common and Decimal Fractions
Squaring and Cubing
Square and Cube root
Powers of numbers
Numeration in other bases
Signed numbers
Introduction to Algebra
Ratio and Proportion


The coming of Life on Earth
Early Human beings
Human Fundamental Needs
Early Civilizations
Human Migration
Linear representation of time


Birth of the Universe
Composition of the earth
Nature of the Elements
The Sun and the Earth
The Work of Air
The Work of Water
Human geography
Economic Geography


Story of Geometry
Basic Geometry
Fundamental Concepts
Angles and Measurement
Congruence, Similarity, Equivalence
The Pythagorean Theorem
Euclid’s Plate
Area and Volume  


- Botany -
Fundamental needs and parts of plants
Function work with parts of plants
Classification of Kingdom Vegetalia
- Zoology -
Classification of Kingdom Animalia
The Great River (Human Anatomy)

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