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the Montessori Elementary Class - Windsor
Education for the whole child for their whole life
The Great River
Today we re-told the sixth Montessori Great Story - 'The Great River' - on our Zoom call. The Great River is a metaphor for the...
Lockdown 2 - week 1
Those who attended class had a great first day back, after the Christmas break. And, similar to schools in the UK, those who attended...
We wish you a Merry Christmas
The children have been busy applying their crafting skills to make gifts for their families. They have put a lot of thought into which...
Sewing Bee
We've had an explosion of interest in sewing patchwork, creating cushions for cats, Saxon knitting and handiwork of all sorts. The work...
The Bin Bag Kids
Making use of the lovely weather to be outside at the start of the new term, we began with exploring Jackson Pollock. We splattered,...
The Story of the Coming of the Universe - the first Great Story
We re-told the story outside this term with the children creating their own volcanoes to help imagine a time when in the Earth's history...
Hot off the Press!
Before the closure, one of our group suggested starting a newspaper to raise money. The charity our Editor chose was the Baby Bank, in...
We're back - sort of
Some of us are back, part time, in small groups. We continue with the Zooms to include those not back with us yet. It is lovely to...
And we're still waiting - patiently and sensibly
Like all other places of learning, we closed our doors suddenly in March. Since then, we've been keeping in touch on Zoom twice a week. ...
'I'm 'Enery the 8th, I am'
Our big project for the Spring term was to be our Easter family show on Henry 8th. Our show was based on the elements of Henry's reign...
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