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the Montessori Elementary Class - Windsor
Education for the whole child for their whole life
The Detective Adjective Game
Sneaky! To play the game and experience first hand the power of adjectives, we first have to know the names of the different triangles. ...
Like Something Out of a Henri Rousseau Painting
- or Our day trip to Braywick Nature Centre (Phone number: 01628 777440.) We had a wonderful day at Braywick on our delayed class trip...
'And We're Still Waiting'
To badly paraphrase a very old Diana Ross song! One of the first 'goings out' for a long time organised by the children was to do the...
Fruits of the Room
The Montessori biology curriculum is very broad. This Autumn, we have been exploring fruit in some depth using the Montessori curriculum...
Powerpoint Prowess
The children who produced our first great story presentation this term, have since had a session with a volunteer to build on their...
The Birth of the Universe - as told by the children
The more experienced children in class have heard the first of the Great Stories many times - and for some, this is likely to be their...
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